Stuff We Love
Reducing Electronic Waste: Feature on Nimble
As the world gloms on to the newest iPhone, e-waste surges as the fastest growing waste stream on the planet. Meet the company that’s trying to tackle the electronic waste epidemic, one recycled plastic charger at a time.
Zero Waste Living — Why We Love Shampoo Bars
You wash your body with a bar, why not your hair? Shampoo bars get your hair clean and smelling great, and completely eliminate a plastic waste stream. AND, they’re for all hair types. Read on, we're sharing our favorites!
The Perfect Cup with Pacific Crest Coffee
We all know chain shops leave much to be desired, and when we’re out of our element in different parts of the world, we can’t fall back on old favorites – where’s your corner coffee shop when you need it? What would you do for the perfect cup of coffee?
Eco-Friendly Toys You'll Love to Gift
A lot of people don’t realize this, but there are a TON of really amazing sustainable toy companies. Made from sustainable materials and packaged in all the right ways, these eco-friendly toys will make gifting a landslide of toys a little less guilt-inducing this holiday season.
Go Green with Blueland, Our Favorite Plastic-Free Cleaning Brand
While these aren’t the DIY vinegar and essential oil-based cleaners health-conscious consumers are used to, Blueland’s “just add water” approach and better-for-all ingredients list make using them worthwhile.
Closing the Loop with Looptworks
By now, you’ve likely heard about the incredible amount of waste generated by the fashion industry. What if you could take that “trash” and turn it into something beautiful? The founders of Looptworks had the same thought.
Who Gives a Crap About Toilet Paper? These Guys Do
We’re using perfectly good trees for our bathroom needs—and we should give a crap. This toilet paper is a tree-friendly alternative made by a company doing cool things in the world.
5 Secondhand Sites to Shop Now (And Why You Should)
Gone are the days of driving to your local picked-over thrift store or consignment shop where you might be lucky to find one piece from several seasons ago, now, consumers simply open an app and search for the piece they’re looking for—and they’re likely to find it.