Food + Drink
DIY Non-dairy Ice Cream Sandwiches
When it comes to summer treats, there’s one that nearly everyone can agree on: the classic ice cream sandwich. Why have just ice cream or just a cookie… when you can have both at the same time?
The Low-Down on Sugar Substitutions
Did you know the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar in a single year? Staggering, isn’t it? That’s up from the meager two pounds Americans ate two hundred years ago.
A Pink Smoothie to Celebrate Strawberry Season
Is there ever a better way to welcome summer than by picking a batch of ruby red strawberries? We don’t think so.
5 Raw Cookbooks for Summer
We’ve all been there: It’s sweltering hot outside. It’s sweltering hot inside. And the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven to actually cook yourself something to eat.
10 Beautiful Ways to Eat and Drink Lavender
Lavender is full of health and beauty benefits — but it’s also just nice to smell and look at. It doesn’t just pair well with shea butter though — here are 10 ways to use this versatile herb and get the full effect.
Why & How to Cook with Avocado Oil
Think back several years, what were the oils you relied on to cook with? Canola oil? Vegetable oil? Maybe – if you were really ahead of your time – even extra virgin olive oil?
A Better-for-You Margarita for Cinco de Mayo
Often the crowd favorite for Cinco de Mayo celebrations, the margarita is a bar and party classic that’s undeniably tasty – but not exactly a healthful choice when it comes to your wellbeing.
How to Improve Your Mood & Energy with Superfoods
You hear a lot about superfoods curing everything from inflammation to irritability, but what else can they do? Get our three favorite mood-boosting, brain fog-busting, and energy-inducing remedies.