Methane emissions warm the planet at a much faster rate than carbon dioxide. Reducing the amount of this long-overlooked greenhouse gas is key to fighting climate change.
Methane emissions warm the planet at a much faster rate than carbon dioxide. Reducing the amount of this long-overlooked greenhouse gas is key to fighting climate change.
By refusing to work with fossil fuel clients, creatives and ad agencies can single-handedly dismantle the industry’s decades-long disinformation campaigns about their impact on the climate crisis. Big oil and gas are responsible for three-quarters of global carbon emissions. And a recent study found that more than 8.7 million people die each year as a […]
Hydrogen energy has the potential to become an impactful clean energy resource, but it may take years before the emissions-free fossil fuel alternative can compete with wind and solar. This is the latest in our ‘What It Means’ series, where we unpack the meaning and value behind important sustainability concepts. Explore previous articles in our series: […]
Green banks are a new type of banking institution that put the environment at the forefront of their operations. $3.8 trillion. That’s how much money 60 of the world’s largest banks have invested in fossil fuels since 2016, according to the most recent Fossil Fuel Finance Report by Rainforest Action Network. Yes, trillion with a […]
The climate crisis is devastating the planet, but activists, advocacy organizations, and these latest climate change wins are giving us hope for the future. Each quarter, we’re sharing our favorite environmental wins to help us stay optimistic in the fight against climate change. This is the latest. The Southwest is experiencing a devastating and historic […]
The cost of air pollution is millions of lives and billions of dollars. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in clean energy have the potential to ensure we don’t have to pay the price of the dirty air resulting from fossil fuels. When we talk about climate change, our warming planet is typically the first […]
GE created the biggest wind turbine yet — and they’re just getting started.