DIY Lip & Cheek Stain Made with Simple Ingredients
We’re sharing a quick and easy DIY to create your very own lip and cheek balm. Free of any nasty oils, this simple balm is filled with only the good stuff, and when applied to lips and cheeks, adds hydration and a dewy look that’s perfect for summer.
3 Spring Cleaning Rituals to Refresh Your Home
Spring cleaning isn’t just good for your mental wellbeing, spring cleaning—and seasonal cleaning in general—is key in keeping your space germ-and allergen-free, which can help keep you healthy year-round.
How to KonMari Without Throwing Everything Away
The new Netflix series based on Marie Kondo’s book has people running to their closets in droves to pile garbage bags at the curb. Get our lower-waste tips to "spark joy" without any environmental regrets.
3 Step DIY Yoga Mat Spray
Any yogi — beginner and expert alike — worth their salt knows how beneficial a regular yoga practice can be for the body and mind, from lowering stress to building stamina and flexibility, but that same practice can be well, pretty gross for your yoga mat.
How to Cultivate Love All Year Round
Valentine’s Day has come and gone and whether you welcome the excuse to be as lovey-dovey as possible or remain firmly in the camp of the dark-hearted, you have to admit: it is a solid reminder that love deserves to be celebrated — in all its forms. But why relegate that celebration to just one day a year?
8 Romantic Dates for Nature Lovers
If fancy restaurants bore you to tears, and you couldn’t care less about what’s playing at the movies, this Valentine's Day date list is for you. Put on your hiking boots.
The Nomad’s Guide to Traveling With Kids
Traveling with kids, for a lot of people, has become a laughable pastime and generally more trouble than it’s worth. But for a lot of parents, staying put postpartum just wasn’t an option, and they’ve done more than found a way to make it work — they’ve found a way to love it.
5 Podcasts for a Better You
If you think about it, January is the perfect time to make changes big and small in your life, whether you’re getting outside more and welcoming more activity into your life thanks to the cold, crisp and sunny January days or finally quitting that bad habit you’ve been meaning to quit with a support team of similarly resolution-oriented family and friends.