Kicking through brightly colored leaves… chilly mornings blanketed in a veil of frost… the sudden craving for hot drinks and rich, roasty flavors… yes, fall is officially here and, judging by Instagram alone, we’re all here for it.

While spring is a season of growth and beginnings and summer a time of celebration, fall is when we all turn ever so slightly inward, reach for our sweaters and proclaim to no one in particular “it’s time to get cozy”. What could be better about autumn? The perfect mix of sunny days, spectacular scenery – the foliage! – and nights that call for your comfiest and softest pajamas and slippers, fall offers respite after a long and frenzied summer.

It’s a time of year that allows us to slow down, clear our calendars from obligations and check a few fun and meaningful things off of our fall bucket lists. No bucket list yet? No problem! If you’re more of a seasonal minimalist, we’re sharing four of fall must-dos below that will help you maximize the season while minimizing stress. Choose one to pencil in this weekend and start the season on a strong note!

#1—Go apple picking

Topping the list of everyone’s favorite fall activities, apple picking is to fall what beach trips and ice cream are to summer. You just can’t not go apple picking when the weather turns crisp and those brightly painted, apple-shaped ‘pick-your-own’ signs start popping up on roadsides. Instead of going to any old orchard, call around to see if there are any local orchards that grow organic, not only will you be supporting a small business and family farm, but you’ll be voting with your dollar by choosing a producer who grows without the use of pesticides. Extra points if there are cider donuts and hay rides offered, too, but really, all you need is a basket for your apples and a crisp day – what could be better than searching out different varieties with your loved ones and enjoying the scenery while you’re at it?


#2—Take a hike

We have a secret to share with you: the best time for hiking isn’t summer, it’s fall. Leave the sweaty, humid days of summer behind you and plan a mountain adventure for fall instead. You’ll stay cooler, thanks to the brilliant autumn weather, not to mention there are fewer mosquitos and often better visibility, thanks to fallen leaves. Remember to pack plenty of water, snacks, and dress in layers to ensure you stay safe, warm and hydrated, and bring a map with you – you never know where you’ll be if and when your phone battery runs out! No one to hike with? Look for local meet-up or activity groups to join up with! You never know, you just might meet a new friend or two while you take in the gorgeous autumn scenery.

#3—View the foliage

There’s nothing quite like the blazing fall foliage to inspire awe in just about everyone who sees it. Need proof? Visit Vermont – or simply google it – to see the Green Mountains in all their red, orange, yellow and pink – yes really, pinks. If you’ve never viewed fall’s foliage up close and personal before, it’s time to plan a trip. Check out our post for the best places to see the fall foliage, then look up local foliage reports to determine the best time for a visit. Remember, there are a lot of factors that affect the vibrancy and timing of the changing leaves, including temperature and rainfall, so it’s best to plan ahead. Bring your hiking boots, a cozy sweater and plenty of layers and get your camera ready – you never know when the perfect backdrop for your annual holiday card will present itself!


#4—Bake something

So, you’ve picked several baskets full of apples – what to do with them all? Bake something, of course! Fall is the ideal time to cozy up in the kitchen and get your hands covered in flour. Tackle that new-to-you recipe you’ve had pinned for months or search our archives for a treat that will nourish your body and soul – like these simple baked apples. Baking is a hand-on activity that everyone can get involved with, no matter who you spend your time with – kids, friends, your sweetheart, or roommates. Pick out a recipe and soon, your whole house will be filled with the warm aroma of sweet spices and seasonal fruit. 

What are your favorite fall activities? Share with us on social by tagging @AvocadoMattress and #AvocadoGreenMagazine!

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