2023 Avocado Impact Report
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Why Regenerative Agriculture Produces Healthier Soil and Farms

Switching to regenerative agriculture practices can be difficult, particularly in an industry that favors industrial operations. But the benefits extend far beyond nutrient-rich soil. This article is the third and last edition of our ‘Soil Series’, where we explore complex issues related to agriculture, our environment, and the future of our planet. Read our first […]

How Environmental Racism Makes Urban Heat Islands Worse

As a result of environmental racism and policies like redlining, urban heat islands disproportionally affect low-income, non-white city neighborhoods. The daily temperature may seem like a mundane and immovable part of our daily lives, but in many cases, it’s affected by circumstances that are within our control. In fact, temperature can vary greatly from place […]

Why You Should Care About Ocean Warming and Acidification

Climate change is leading to ocean warming and acidification, resulting in dangerous sea-level rise, declining marine populations, and damaged ecosystems. As climate change worsens, temperatures are rising, biodiversity is declining, forests and other natural wonders are being lost, and ecosystem dynamics are being thrown into disarray. And, although it may not be as apparent, a […]

How the Farm Bill Hurts Small Farms

Originally drafted to provide relief for farmers, the Farm Bill now consistently props up large-scale industrial operations, making it harder for small farms to stay afloat. This is the latest in our ‘Soil Series,’ where we explore complex issues related to agriculture, our environment, and the future of our planet. Don’t miss our first story, […]

The Harmful Effects of Grilling Charcoal

Grilling briquettes contribute to greenhouse gases, deforestation, and contain toxic chemicals. To grill sustainably, just make a few small changes. Grilling with friends on a hot summer day is one of life’s great pleasures. And it’ll be even sweeter this year, as many people lucky enough to live in countries with access to vaccines will […]

How Indigenous Groups Are Leading the Way On Conservation

The Line 3 Pipeline is yet another instance of how Indigenous groups are leading the way in conservation and climate justice. Starting in early June 2021, a growing swell of people gathered in Northern Minnesota to protest the expansion of an oil pipeline through the treaty territory of the Anishinaabe people. Since 1968, Enbridge’s Line […]

What Is a Carbon Tax?

Just 100 corporations are responsible for 71 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. A carbon tax could incentivize them to reduce their carbon emissions and switch to clean energy. This is the latest in our ‘What It Means’ series, where we unpack the meaning and value behind important sustainability concepts.  Generally, it’s overwhelming to think about […]

Why Prescribed Burns Are Essential For Forest Health

Prescribed burns are an Indigenous practice that clears out underbrush, supports ecosystems, and helps lessen uncontrolled wildfires. The last few summers have felt less like fearful apprehension about the future of increasingly intense and devastating wildfires in America and more like a full-scale alarm. Of the top five years in which the most acreage was […]

How Food Forests Help Solve Food Insecurity

In the food desert neighborhood of Browns Mill in Atlanta, Urban Forest, the largest food forest in the country, provides the community with access to fresh, affordable produce, and herbs. On seven acres in the Browns Mill neighborhood of Southeast Atlanta, anyone can show up and pick community grown fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, healing herbs, nuts, […]

The Ambitious Plan to Preserve 30 Percent of the U.S. By 2030

The 30 by 30 proposal to protect underdeveloped land and water has bipartisan support among voters and legislators, but how will it actually work? With Patagonia leading the way, we can all do our part to help. This month, we’re celebrating the heroes that embody this year’s Earth Day theme: Restore Our Earth. Don’t miss […]

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