If you struggle with grogginess in the morning, here are a few easy ways to wake up energized and with a pep in your step.

You know the feeling. The alarm on your nightstand signals it’s time to wake up, but you want (need!) 10 more minutes of rest. So you hit snooze a couple times. Or maybe you’re diligent about hopping out of bed on time, but you find it tough to move through your morning routine efficiently. You’re tired, and groggy. Even brewing coffee sounds exhausting.

Sure, caffeine helps. But wouldn’t it be great to feel more energized before the first sips of your morning joe? Here are seven research-backed tips for boosting energy levels first thing in the morning.


Step Outside

Heading outdoors first thing in the morning has plenty of benefits — you can inhale the fresh air, move your body, and, importantly, get some sun. Natural light is important because it helps stop the production of melatonin, a hormone our bodies produce that helps regulate our sleep cycle. Halting that production can shift a person to a more awake state. So the next time you’re feeling sluggish after getting out of bed, head outside.

woman putting on eye mask before bed

Photo courtesy of Avocado Green.

Read more: Why Morning Light Is Fundamental to Wellness

Wake to Natural Light

When it’s not possible to get out in the sun — maybe you live in an overcast state or an apartment complex with limited outdoor access — consider investing in a wakeup light. These lamps mimic the sunrise with lights that slowly brighten over a period of 30 minutes to an hour before your desired wakeup time. The light is less jolting than a loud alarm and may have similar effects to sunlight when it comes to helping you feel more awake. These gadgets are also beneficial for people who sleep in a windowless room or one with blackout shades who want a little more light in the morning.


Don’t Hit Snooze

We’re all guilty of snoozing our morning alarms to sneak in a few extra winks. It’s especially tempting to stay in bed a little longer when feeling extra sleepy. But silencing your device may do more harm than good. According to a 2022 study, repeated forced awakenings can cause drowsiness. So if your goal is to feel more energized, you’re better off waking up after your first alarm sounds. Of course, this is easier said than done, but your future self will thank you.


Move Your Body

Movement — be it a yoga flow, weight lifting, or a walk — may awaken more than your muscles. Research suggests that exercise after rising in the morning triggers many of the same physiological responses that boost wakefulness, including an increase in core body temperature, more blood flow and escalated cortisol. More research is needed to understand how intense the exercise needs to be to optimally counter morning grogginess. But if you find that a morning workout helps you get moving in the morning, then there’s little harm in making it a habit.

woman opening curtains in the morning

Photo courtesy of Avocado Green.

Read more: How to Work Out After Bad Sleep 

Stick to a Schedule

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference. Like a sleep schedule. Do you go to bed at the same time each night? Rise at a similar hour each morning? If not, you may benefit from creating a sleep routine, which helps regulate your internal clock and can make your morning wakeup call a little less jarring.


Drink Water

Feel foggy in the morning? Reach for a glass of water. Hydration improves cognitive function and can make you feel more awake. This is especially important in the early part of the day because our bodies lose water through our skin and respiration as we sleep. If you’re inclined to brew a cup of coffee first thing, keep an insulated vessel of water on your nightstand so it’s there for you the moment you wake up.


Cold Shower

If you find exhaustion hard to kick, consider taking a cold shower. The frigid water will boost your heart rate, making you become more alert. If that sounds too brutal, you can alternate between hot and cold water — or just take a regular shower and end it with a burst of cold.

woman putting pillowcases on avocado pillows

Photo courtesy of Avocado Green.

Read more: How Cold Water Plunges Benefit Your Mental Health

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