Alaska is synonymous is adventure. Cold oceans, vast landscapes, and millions of species of wildlife are spread across the beautiful state of Alaska. There is nowhere else in America that can compare to the plethora of natural resources their public land and waters have to offer.

Known for its towering mountain peaks and glaciers, Alaska is full of biomes. You can venture out to old growth forests, untouched wetlands, tundras or find yourself gazing at wild salmon swimming down a river.  This past month, we learned about the Alaska Wilderness League and their mission—to protect and defend America’s last wild lands.

Photo by: Florian Schulz

“We honor and respect the cultures of Alaska Natives whose way of life remains deeply connected to the state’s land, waters, and wildlife. We believe that Alaska’s long-term economic future and subsistence traditions are inexorably tied to the health and sound stewardship of its natural resources, which support hunting, fishing, tourism and unrivaled outdoor experiences that are central to Alaskans’ quality of life.”

As a group of nature advocates, their goal is to educate and urge their supporters to help put vital policies in place that can ensure the protection of Alaska. They take to the halls of Congress and federal agencies to raise awareness of the importance of these unparalleled lands and we are proud to take part in their vision through our giving program. Our donation will help fund critical legislative, legal, and public educations efforts to preserve these pristine places.

Photo by: Florian Schulz

If you’re ready to join the movement, here are 5 places, untouched by human hands, that they are working to protect:


#1 — Arctic Refuge

Home to the Gwich’in communities, caribou, polar bears, waterbirds, snowy owls, arctic foxes, bears, Dall sheep, moose, muskoxen.



#2 — Arctic Ocean

The habitat of endangered bowhead whales, beluga whales, gray whales, walrus, ringed seals, spotted seals, polar bears, spectacled eiders, Steller’s eiders.



Photo by: Florian Schulz


#3 — Tongass National Forest

Known as North America’s largest national forest that is filled with ancient trees. The U.S Forest Service wants to begin the clearing of these rare and beloved trees that may no longer be safe under Alaska’s Roadless Rule. Not only is the forest filled with trees that are more than 90 years old, but there are also bears, wolves, bald eagles, Sitka black-tailed deer, moose, humpback whales, orcas, sea otters, Steller sea lions that are scattered throughout its terrain.



Photo by: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


 #4 — Chugach National Forest

The second largest American national forest that is home to moose, deer, bald eagles, humpback whales, sea otters, orcas, sea lions is also in danger. You can also find crystal clear streams filled with salmon and trout. A fun and interesting fact about this forest, that is part of Prince William Sound, the Kenai Peninsula and the Copper River Delta, is that over 30% off its mountains and lakes are covered in ice.



Photo by: Malkolm Boothroyd


#5 — National Petroleum Reserve

Not only does this reserve contain our nation’s necessary national resources, but it is also home to the Alaskan Native communities that reside along the Reserve. They have kept their way of life for thousands of years all with the nourishing help of all that the reserve has to offer. You can also find migratory birds, caribou, threatened polar bears, walrus, endangered beluga whales and more that thrive off this land.



Photo by: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Want to get involved? Make your voice heard by the Bureau of Land Management by submitting your thoughts about not moving forward with oil leasing on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.



Is saving the Arctic and all its inhabitants important to you? Join us and share with us on Facebook or Instagram and tag us using @AvocadoMattress #AvocadoGreenMagazine


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