After boarding up the windows of its Santa Monica Experience Center, Avocado worked with Beautify Earth to support local artists and Black Lives Matter to turn the plywood into art.
Avocado recently boarded up the windows to the Santa Monica Experience Center, as recommended by the city, to safeguard our store amid the protests throughout Los Angeles. (We’d like to note that the majority of protests in Los Angeles have been peaceful and, as many members of our team can attest, powerful.)
But… boarded up windows didn’t tell our story. It didn’t speak to our commitment to the health and well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants, nor did it provide comfort and meaning in this time of chaos. Most of all, it didn’t speak to our strong support for this movement and our commitment to be part of the change.
We found our answer in Beautify Earth, a nonprofit that works with communities to leverage the power of art. Through their network we were able to connect with nine artists who shared their gifts on our large scale, boarded up windows that truly beautified the neighborhood and most importantly, sparked conversation in the community.

Local Los Angeles artist Jabu, utilizing a rich history and his South African background, wanted to create a piece that is current, relevant, and provocative to keep the spirit of peace alive and to honor George Floyd and countless others in our communities. His slogan is, “Beautiful art is obvious. Great art is transformative.” His piece, “Wings of Freedom,” is just that — transformative. The triptych includes three quotes from Nelson Mandela and immediately connects the viewer with the message of freedom and justice.
“Art can be used as a tool to help start conversations. I create my work for the causes I align with. I do that to start a conversation. I see myself as merely a tool to help facilitate that. Pretty pictures are NOT enough. When I can get a strong message across and I can open the door, then I feel like my job is fulfilled.”
Once the boards are removed, the proceeds will go to these artists, Beautify Earth, and our 1% for the Planet partner. We will continue to offer a space for artists to share their art on a rotating basis on the side of the store through boards that will be sold for charity and to support local artists.

As the long overdue Black Lives Matter movement sweeps our nation, we look forward to the lasting changes we hope to see: A socially just society that supports peace and equality for Black Americans.
More information on Avocado and the auction of these pieces please visit our website.
Artists who participated:
Dana Campbell (@caampbellstudio)
Gino Burman-Loffredo (@ginoflo)
Gus Harper (
Jabu (@artistjabu)
Jamie Paints (
John Park (@johnparkart)
Kristie Rose Nonberg (@kristierose)
Mariano Cesar Reyes (@heksler)
Check out more amazing work on social @beautifyearth and share your favorite pieces with us @avocadomattress.

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