Now that we are spending plenty of time in the comfort of our own homes, it’s a great time to start listening to all those podcasts you haven’t been able to get to.
If you are looking to get your mind off the constant Covid-19 news updates and let your imagination wander, here are some of the go-to podcasts that inspire us. With topics ranging from sustainability and wellness to climate change and adventure, you’ll be sure to find one or two that pique your interests.
#1 — The Slow Home
Brooke McAlary lives the slow-paced life I have always dreamed about. Residing in the Blue Mountains on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, she spends her time writing, reading, and tending to her chickens. Did somebody say life goals?
Co-hosting with her husband, Ben, The Slow Home podcast focuses on being still in this fast-paced
#2 — Good Together
Brightly co-founders, Laura Alexander and Liza Moiseeva, are an inspiration to us all and always seem to lift our spirits when we’re feeling down.
Whether you’re trying to become a more conscious consumer who supports ethical brands to better understand a “circular economy” or get tips to help you live a low-waste lifestyle, the podcast is full of tangible takeaways.
Recently, they interviewed our CMO Mark Abrials about the importance of creating a sustainable sanctuary.
#3 — Outside
The Avocado Green Team is a group of nature-lovers who enjoy a grand adventure. On our team you can find Bri the climber, Laura the road-tripper, Annie the mountain biker, John the winter camping master, and Jay the life-long skier.
Naturally, the Outside podcast, hosted by Peter Frick-Wright from Outside Magazine, is one of our favorites. If you’re like any of us and want to learn about how nature can heal us or how you can overcome your fear of sharks, the stories told in this series won’t let you down!
#4 — Low-Tox Life
Finding healthy recipes and ingredients to introduce into our lives and homes can sometimes be a journey in itself. If you find yourself constantly researching brands you can trust or what supplements you should introduce into your routine, Alexx Stuart’s podcast can help bring you to the best conclusions.
This is one of our favorites because she goes deep into the world of sleep, and you know that’s important to us. So to those ready to be enlightened by new ideas, you’ve come to the right place. And if you’d like to add a new book to your reading list, check out “Low Tox Life”.
#5 — Still Processing
A New York Times culture podcast hosted by the brilliant, charming duo Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham, the thoughtful discussions hosted here are John’s (our copywriter) favorite. Every episode is related to social justice with the occasional environmental topic as well.
Ready to work things out? Check out one of his all-time favorite episode titled Straws.
#6 — Drilled
Critical Frequency’s Drilled traverses the world of Big Oil and how it’s affecting climate change, or what host and journalist Amy Westervelt calls “Climate Denial.” While this may not sound as uplifting as you think, the ideas shared in these episodes show how big business practices can be changed for the better.
If you’re a bit of a drama-seeker, this true-crime podcast was made for you. From exposing huge companies like Exxon to educating listeners on how much power the gas and oil industry hold, you’ll surely be inspired to learn more.

Photo by Julia Peretiatko on Unsplash
#7 — Invisibilia
NPR’s well-know series, meaning “the invisible things” in Latin, is a podcast for those seeking meaning behind the infinite expressions of human behavior. If you’re starting to embrace your inner existentialist, this podcast explores our sincerest wishes, fears, and how they make us who we are.
As NPR explains, “We weave incredible human stories with fascinating new psychological and brain science, in the hopes that after listening, you will come to see new possibilities for how to think, behave, and live.”
No matter where or how you get your ’cast on, whether it’s listening while making breakfast, taking a midday walk to stretch your legs while you work from home, or unwinding as the night sky falls, we hope this list helps you stay rooted.
What are some of your favorite podcasts? Share with us on social @AvocadoMattress and #AvocadoGreenMagazine

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