Is there anything better than the feeling you get at the beginning of summer? April showers are (hopefully) gone, May flowers have bloomed and perfumed the air with their intoxicating scent, and winter is but a distant memory (Snow? What snow?).
Summer stretches out before us full of hope and the hope for relaxation – but we all know the season can pass in the blink of an eye, too. While we highly recommend taking the season at as leisurely a pace as possible, we’re also all too familiar with the blink-and-you-miss-it quality that these warmer days tend to have. Instead of squandering your summer Fridays and weekends too, make the most of the season by starting it off with a bang: make the first day of summer one you’ll never forget. Here’s how:
Make your summer bucket list
You know how it goes: One day, it’s the first day of summer, and the next it’s the first day of school. Summer has a tendency to flash by in the blink of an eye and while we might start out the season with the best of intentions to do it all, see it all, and experience everything in between, often our schedules get in the way. Instead of keeping a mental list, sit down and write out everything you hope to do this summer. Then prioritize and schedule it in your calendar. Road trips and day trips, hikes, paddling and more, write them all into your calendar, and don’t forget to leave yourself some time to relax, too. With the right mindset and a clear game plan for what you want to accomplish and what’s important, you’ll be able to look back on summer memories knowing you made the most of it.
Try something new
Think back to your early days at summer camp… remember learning how to paddle a canoe? Or making a fun arts & crafts project for the first time? When was the last time you actually tried something new for a change… and actually allowed yourself to be, well, perhaps a little bad at it? Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to
Jump into a body of water
Watch the sunrise
Our idea of the perfect way to welcome summer? Pack up a picnic breakfast the night before, set your alarm for just before sunrise (this site can help you figure out how to calculate sunrise or sunset in your city or town), and make a plan to welcome the best season bright and early by watching the
How are you celebrating the beginning of summer? Share with us on social by tagging us @AvocadoMattress and #AvocadoGreenMagazine!
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