March is Women’s History Month, a time set aside to celebrate the incredible women who came before us and who live around us now — making history in ways both big and small — who helped shape our lives, from our mothers to influential teachers, from notable women in history to the women on the front lines of climate activism. March is the perfect month to celebrate the Earth-loving women who fight to make our planet a healthy, habitable place now and for generations to come.

A fight that many would argue isn’t easy. These brave women have stood up to naysayers, took courageous stands against industries much larger than themselves, and have come face-to-face with governments who’d rather turn away than ensure a safe and stable future for the Earth and its inhabitants. Today, we’re introducing you to four women making a major difference in the world — and for the planet. Check them out below — you may be inspired to become a planet warrior yourself!

4 Planet Warriors You Need to Know for Women's History Month


#1 — Captain Liz Clark

This surfer-turned-activist set out for a life at sea 13 years ago aboard her boat, Swell, and hasn’t looked back. Along the way, between getting barrelled by waves and diving with whales, Clark couldn’t help but take note of the shocking amount of trash — especially plastic — clogging oceans and threatening the fragile ecosystems many of the small island communities she often visited depended on. Since setting sail, Captain Clark has used her ever-growing voice, both across social media and in her new book, Swell, to raise awareness of the growing issue of ocean plastic and is on the team for the Changing Tides Foundation, which works to lessen the carbon footprint of travelers and help connect them with causes and opportunities to give back and make a difference.


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This weekend thousands of concerned citizens flocked to Australia’s beaches to protest a potential offshore oil drilling platform @equinor is planning to construct in the Southern Ocean off the Great Australian Bight. So exciting to see communities coming together to fight for a safer, healthier future! 🙌🏽🙌🏿🙌🏻 We can help too—public comments about the plans are being accepted until March 20, I just took a couple minutes to tell @equinor that healthy oceans, clean coastlines, and climate stability are infinitely more valuable to Australia than oil. I encourage you to comment too! More important details reposted from @gerglong— “The proposed Stromlo well is 327km out in the Southern Ocean, open to everything the Roaring Forties has got. Anybody who has the slightest inkling of ocean knowledge knows this is one of the most treacherous areas of ocean in the world. Not only is it in 2500m of water, they’ll then need to drill through 3000m of seabed. As part of their environment plan Equinor was forced to supply oil spill modelling, which showed oil potentially ending up on beaches stretching from Margaret River, West OZ to Tasmania, and Port Macquarie on the east coast ultimately leaving wildlife, marine ecologies, local industries and communities devastated. Yet, Equinor still claim the drilling “can be done safely.” Get outta here you Turkeys 🦃 and stop putting your personal profits over the health and future of our ocean and lives of millions who call this place home!” Link in my stories and profile to add your comment. Thanks for your time! #FightForTheBight #BigOilDontSurf @patagonia_surf @patagoniaaus

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#2 — Greta Thunberg

Inspired by the students of Parkland, Florida, who walked out of class to protest gun violence, 15 year-old Thunberg eschewed school and set out for Swedish parliament to protest the lack of attention being paid to climate change. What started as a one-woman protest to voice concern to a government that had been doing very little to protect the planet’s future quickly grew into a social movement with a hashtag: #FridaysForFuture. Not long after, over 30,000 students in Belgium walked out of their classes, and a world-wide protest is in the works. Thunberg proves you’re never too young to make a major difference, especially when the future of the planet is at stake.


#3 — Jamie Margolan

Need further proof that the future of our planet lies in the very capable hands of today’s youth? Look no further than Jamie Margolan, 17 and founder of Zero Hour, an intersectional organization working to provide all communities access to a clean and save environment, regardless of income level, location or social standing. So far, the group has sued the state of Washington for its role in climate change, marched in Washington, D.C. to demand that politicians cease accepting money from fossil fuel corporations, and lead the Youth Climate March. By any indication they’re just getting started and with Margolan at the helm, Zero Hour is sure to make waves.


#4 — Mae Boeve

Co-founder of, an organization that works to unite world leaders in the fight against climate change, Mae Boeve doesn’t just walk the walk as a non-profit Executive Director, she talks the talk. As in, she’s been arrested outside the White House for protesting the Keystone XL pipeline and played a critical role in the People’s Climate March. With, Boeve’s mission is to tackle climate change by reducing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by taking on the fossil fuel industry and building alternative renewables.


How are you fighting for the planet? Share with our community by tagging us on social @AvocadoMattress and #AvocadoGreenMagazine!


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